Download: Designer Contract

THIS AGREEMENT, made this ___________ day of _______________, 20__, is for the services described below between the undersigned GRAPHIC DESIGNER and the undersigned CLIENT.

The undersigned parties hereby agree that all rights, copyrights, titles and interest in any designs, illustrations, digital renderings created by DESIGNER on behalf of CLIENT belong solely and exclusively to the CLIENT and are free from any claims whatsoever by the DESIGNER.

CLIENT promises to pay DESIGNER the sum of _____________________

($ _____________). This is a one-time payment for DESIGNER’S services and will be considered complete and sole compensation for services rendered.

GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws and in the courts of the State of _____________ and by the laws of theUnited States, excluding their conflicts of law principles. Any dispute or legal proceeding regarding the Agreement shall take place in the county of _____________, in the State of _________________.

Your signature below will constitute this as a binding agreement between us.

DATED: _______________________


For DESIGNER                                       For CLIENT





Name   Name


Address   Address


City/State/Zip   City/State/Zip


Telephone   Telephone