Taylor Castro’s landmark in mental health discussion

Taylor Castro’s landmark in mental health discussion

As the entire world withdraws into isolation in order to protect our physical health and the physical health of those around us, the conversation surrounding mental health becomes all the more important in tandem. Fortunately, there are certain celebrities and spokespeople who are here to make sure the mental health conversation never goes out of style – and Taylor Castro is one of them.

With her latest release, ‘Girl, Afraid’, Castro proves that she has much more to give. She’s not a new voice on the scene, but you’ve never seen her like this before. Her debut album, PURE, was “who I was, without the OCD,” says Castro. “It is still who I am but I wasn’t being totally honest. I had tried to stuff my OCD back down inside me and I didn’t want to write about it. I felt like I wasn’t being true and it was time to address my issues on this record. OCD presents a constant fear and paranoia, so I want ‘Girl, Afraid’ to be a comfort for people who suffer from it as I do.”

In the uncertain climate of today, emotions like fear and paranoia are, sadly, rife. We need people like Taylor Castro to speak out and share her struggles with the world so that others are encouraged to do the same – and we certainly need this right now.

Beginning with her considerable Instagram following, Castro has asked her fans to come forward with tales of their own mental health struggles. Using the hashtags #BeAPrincessAgain and #RoyalSoul, taken from the beautifully poetic and poignant lyrics to ‘Girl, Afraid’, Castro has begun to create a community. Online communities are exactly what we need at a time like this. With the inability to meet up in person, help such as Castro’s fans have found will become absolutely vital in order to stay strong and feel supported during these times of isolation.

And let’s not forget, music will always be there. Watch the video for ‘Girl, Afraid’ below and remember to get join in the conversation on Instagram using the hashtags #beaprincessagain and #royalsoul

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